Depression Therapy in Edinburgh

Depression often creates a sense of hopelessness, making it feel as though positive change is impossible. However, these feelings are just products of the disorder, and thoughts are not concrete truths. We are here to support you in reclaiming your life, rediscovering joy, and constructing a purposeful and fulfilling existence. Through the power of cognitive-behavioural therapy, behavioural activation, and various other therapeutic approaches, we can stand together in the fight against depression.. Contact us today!

What is depression?

Depression is a persistent and pervasive emotional state characterised by a prolonged and low mood that significantly impacts daily life. It’s a widespread mental health disorder that affects countless people, causing them to go through a range of difficult symptoms. These may include a continual sense of disheartened, a loss of interest or pleasure in once-enjoyed activities, feelings of guilt and diminished self-worth, disrupted sleep patterns, diminished energy levels, impaired concentration, and changes in appetite. Feelings of hopelessness and isolation can also accompany this emotional state.


In its milder manifestation, depression can show as a persistent low mood, which may not entirely disrupt your daily routines but can make them more challenging and less fulfilling. At its most severe, depression can be a genuine threat to life, as it can give rise to suicidal thoughts or, in extreme cases, lead to a complete loss of the desire to continue living. The weight of depression can be overwhelming, affecting one’s ability to find joy in life and engage with the world around them. 


When to seek help for depression?

Feeling down or experiencing occasional bouts of sadness is a common part of the human experience, especially in the face of life’s challenges or losses. There are times when we may even find ourselves depressed without any apparent clear cause. However, when these depressive symptoms persist and begin to affect various aspects of your life, including work, relationships, and overall life satisfaction, it becomes a matter of concern.


Moreover, while it’s natural to feel low during tough periods, therapy can be an invaluable resource for navigating these challenges with the support of a professional companion. Therapy provides a guiding light during times of adversity.


Those who have battled depression in the past are more susceptible to recurrent episodes. Hence, if you’ve previously experienced depression and notice the return of symptoms that you find challenging to manage, it’s advisable to seek help promptly. 


Of great importance is seeking professional assistance when you are plagued by thoughts of suicide and have developed concrete plans. A mental health professional can play a vital role in keeping you safe and helping you manage and overcome these distressing thoughts. Your well-being is worth seeking help for, and there are compassionate experts ready to support you through these difficult moments.


Therapy for depression

Therapy is a valuable and effective approach to treating depression. Several therapeutic modalities have been proven to be beneficial in helping people manage and overcome depression. Some common types of therapy for depression include:


Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT): CBT is one of the most widely used and effective therapies for depression. It focuses on identifying and changing negative thought patterns and behaviours that contribute to depression. It is often used for cases of mild depression.


Behavioural activation: This approach is used for more severe cases and it involves increasing engagement in positive and enjoyable activities to combat depressive symptoms and improve mood.


Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT): ACT encourages individuals to accept their thoughts and feelings, commit to values-based actions, and develop psychological flexibility.


Compassion-focused therapy (CFT): CFT aims to enhance self-compassion and self-care, helping individuals address self-criticism and build emotional resilience.


Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT): MBCT combines mindfulness practices with cognitive-behavioural techniques and is effective, especially in preventing the recurrence of depression in individuals who have experienced multiple episodes.


Interpersonal Therapy (IPT): IPT is designed to improve interpersonal relationships and communication. It can be particularly helpful for those whose depression is linked to relationship issues.


Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT): DBT is often used for individuals with depression and co-occurring emotional dysregulation, teaching skills to manage intense emotions.


Psychodynamic therapy: This therapy explores unconscious processes, early life experiences, and interpersonal relationships to understand and address the root causes of depression.


Group therapy: Participating in group therapy with others experiencing depression can provide a supportive and empathetic environment for sharing experiences and learning coping strategies.

Our approach to depression counselling

While we adapt our approach to each person’s needs, our therapy is based on evidence-based practices. In cases of moderate depression, cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) stands as the most recommended therapeutic approach. In instances of more severe depression, behavioural activation is frequently the treatment of preference. Within these therapeutic frameworks, we incorporate elements of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), compassion-focused therapy (CFT), and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) to provide a comprehensive and effective treatment approach.



While sadness and emotional shock may share common symptoms, depression distinguishes itself by persisting for a month or even longer, significantly impacting your relationships, professional life, and overall well-being. Some symptoms of depression include:


➤   Persistent low mood

➤   Loss of interest in things that once were pleasurable

➤   Lack of motivation and pleasure

➤   Fatigue

➤   Sleep disturbances

➤   Appetite changes

➤   Difficulty concentrating

➤   Feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness

➤   Mood changes and irritability

➤   Physical symptoms such as headaches or digestive issues.

➤   Withdrawal and isolation from people

➤   Recurring thoughts of death or suicide

➤   Pessimistic and gloomy thoughts about yourself and the world.

➤   Agitation or restlessness 

➤   Loss of libido



The precise origins of depression and other mental health issues remain elusive, despite various theories and extensive research. Although numerous risk factors have been identified, there is no conclusive evidence pinpointing a singular root cause for depression. These risk factors encompass:


Biological factors: Imbalances in brain chemicals (neurotransmitters) like serotonin and dopamine are a factor. Genetics can also make some people more susceptible to depression if it runs in their family.


Psychological factors: Negative thought patterns, low self-esteem, and a history of trauma or abuse.


Environmental factors: Stressful life events, such as the loss of a loved one, financial difficulties, or major life changes, can trigger depression in susceptible individuals.


Medical conditions: Certain medical conditions, such as chronic illnesses or chronic pain, can increase the risk of developing depression.


Medications: Some medications, including certain prescription drugs, can have depression as a side effect.


Substance abuse: The misuse of drugs or alcohol can lead to depression, either as a result of the substances themselves or the consequences of addiction.


Hormonal changes: Hormonal fluctuations, such as those that occur during pregnancy, postpartum, menopause, or thyroid disorders, can influence mood and potentially lead to depression.


Personality and coping style: Certain personality traits and ineffective coping mechanisms can make individuals more vulnerable to depression.


Social isolation: A lack of social support and feelings of loneliness.

Do you offer depression therapy near me?

The Edinburgh Therapy Service offers both in-person depression counselling in Edinburgh (United Kingdom), and convenient online therapy accessible worldwide You can find our exact location here. We offer a range of evidence-based approaches including ACT, CBT, CFT, MBCT, and customised combinations adapted to your specific needs. 

Your depression therapists in Edinburgh

We understand how debilitating and hopeless depression can be. However, you don’t have to go through this alone. We’re here to work with you. Reach out to us today and take the initial step toward a more fulfilling life.

> Contact us

Further reading

The Edinburgh Therapy Service is a psychotherapy and counseling practice based in Edinburgh, Scotland (United Kingdom). We offer therapy both in-person in Edinburgh and online, available in English and Spanish.

Contact info

Contact us for more information or to book your first appointment: [email protected]